PHP on Google App Engine

A few day ago, Google announced the support of PHP on its Google App Engine, which should excite many of its fans who love PHP.

 Quick First Review -- Here is a quick review you may be interested. 

Another post I should mention is that Running WordPress on Google App Engine. This is from Google 's official site. 

Oh well, if you really want to get Wordpress running on GAE, you have to enable billing and buy Google cloud SQL service. There is no free quote for Google cloud SQL

See the pricing: 

The following packages are available:

Tier RAM Included Storage Included I/O per Day Charge per Day
D0 (*) 0.125GB 0.5GB 200K $0.36
D1 0.5GB 1GB 850K $1.46
D2 1GB 2GB 1.7M $2.93
D4 2GB 5GB 4M $5.86
D8 4GB 10GB 8M $11.71
D16 8GB 10GB 16M $23.42
D32 16GB 10GB 32M $46.84

As you can see, the lowest cost would be 0.36 per day. That is 10.8 $ per month. Its not cheap if you just want to play with Wordpress for fun. 


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